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What is rotational moulding?
Rotational moulding is a process whereby material is placed into a mould and heated at a pre-fixed temperature. The arms of a shuttle machine move the mould bi-axially in which the constant rotation of axis allows a uniform coating. The mould is then brought to cool and the part is removed from the mould.
How is rotational moulding different from other types of plastic moulding?
A major advantage of rotational moulding is the design flexibility in allowing complex geometry, from small to very large hollow parts and from single walled to double walled product. Unlike the other moulding process, part wall thickness can be easily controlled by adjusting the material charge weight, without modifying the mould. While the tooling cost is less than other moulding methods, prices of individual parts are very comparable to most moulding procedure. However, cycle time per production run in rotational moulding is relatively longer than other high processes. Therefore, if you have a great idea for a new product but do not want to be restricted by high minimum order, you are looking at the right way.
What are your costs for tooling?
Mould cost varies depending on the complexity and shapes of the part. Rotational moulded tools have relatively lower costs than the other plastic moulding methods.
Can we visit your plant to see your moulding operations?
Yes, you are welcome to visit our plant to explore your options.
I already have a mould. Can you use it?
Yes, minor modification might be required to fit into our machine.
Are there minimum quantities for a custom rotational moulding project?
We generally like to see minimum productions runs of at least 100 parts.
What are my options when it comes to material?
We specialize in polyethylene grades, which provide high strength and toughness. In a bid to conserve natural resources, we also accommodate the request of using recycled materials for moulding.
What are my colour options?
We have a broad assortment of colours available. It is also possible to place an order for a colour chart with samples.
What secondary operations do you offer?
RSM offers full range of secondary process like PU foam injection, full assemblies, packaging, labelling, stencilling, spray painting, bar coding and hot stamping. Component purchase can also be done as per required for your assembly.
What is the lead time?
There is a three to four weeks lead time for mould fabrication with timely approvals. For part production of 100 units, there is a two to three weeks lead time subject to additional time on post production work.